Wade Nursery policies do not apply to customers which require contracted purchase agreements and prices and/or special services, terms, conditions of sale or delivery, which are not specifically included herein. We reserve the right to waive any part or all provisions or obligations of our standard policies to accommodate such arrangements. Mass merchants, co-ops or others requiring UPC, SKU or item number identification on products or billing will be provided with prices and terms commensurate with their requirements.
NEW CUSTOMERS Because we are a wholesale nursery, new customers will be required to show proof of nursery certification, stock dealer certification, or a current Georgia Department of Agriculture GATE card upon initial application to purchase our plant material.
WARRANTY Wade Nursery, Inc. warrants, to the extent of the purchase price, that all nursery stock sold is true to name. We give no other warranty, expressed or implied, and will under no circumstances be liable for more than the actual purchase price of the plant material.